Thursday, October 13, 2011

So ready for the weekend!

I realize it's been like forever since I've written here.  There are ton of excuses and some are actually pretty good.  However, I'd rather focus on what's been going on that's worth blogging about!

This Saturday me, Ken and kids are taking a drive to Savannah!  I love Savannah and I love weddings.  Yes weddings.  Ken's mom is getting married.  I'm happy for her and can't wait to meet the new hubby.  The best part about the wedding is that my hubby is giving his mom away.  So sweet.

The kids are continuing to do well with all of their subjects.  We've started Rosetta Stone for Spanish and Japanese, both at level one.  I love their homeschooling edition because it makes the program easier to track and the kids like the amount of control they have along with the short, but effective lessons.  I would recommend it to anyone wanting to study a foreign language.

Ari passed her driver's exam and now has her permit!  She has been practicing and I've been fretting.  I am excited but terrified to let her loose on the road.  She's still my little girl, although she's taller than I am and looks very much like a teenager.

My sweetie pie son has developed into a really good soccer player.  The last game he played he tried out a new move and we were all impressed.  I love that he loves playing.  I also love to see how my sweetie pie husband lights up when our son is playing his little heart out!

I have been following Oprah's Life Class and must say I've been feeling very introspective because of it.  I appreciate Oprah doing this show.  She's always been a mentor to me, even from afar. 

I am looking forward to Halloween.  Unfortunately I have not begun decorating for the season yet, but I figure better late than never.  I'll have the house ready for the season by next weekend. 

This past weekend the family went to our first Renaissance Festival.  It was truly magical and we plan to go back very soon.  There were so many things to look at that it could become overwhelming, hence the second trip we plan to take there again.

All in all things have been going well for me and mine.  I continue to be grateful and happy.