Thursday, August 29, 2013

In the swing of things

We have been moving full speed ahead.

This is a very unique homeschooling year because I'm only schooling one kid now!  I do miss having my daughter around during the day.  However I much rather she get to enjoy the awesome opportunity to do her dual enrollment at FGCU.

I'm having some issues with my son staying on task keeping to a schedule without my nagging.  It's a real bummer because he's super smart.  He's just not interested in keeping tracking of time, commitments, or schedules.  I threatened to tell his dad today if he didn't pull it together.  Yup, I pulled out the oldie but goody dad trump card.  Hey, I do what works!

I have successfully planned a month's worth of menus.  I am hard at work on using the Crock-pot as much as possible.  Glad it's fall, although here in Naples, it's still very much the summer :-)  I will post later because I hand wrote our menus on a printed template, which I'll also share.  I must admit, it has truly saved me time and angst by having a detailed shopping list, another template I'll share and thought out menus.  I'm talking breakfast, lunch and dinner.  We have made some on the fly modifications maybe once a week, but nothing too different from the menu, more like switching days.

I have been working from home too!  I am struggling to stay on top of housework, but as my blog's name implies I consider myself a bit of a domestic goddess, so sloppy just won't due.  I delegate, but probably not as much as I should.  Yeah, I know I need to work on that.

I can't believe so much time went by between posts, about a month!  I honestly have been rather busy between work and home.  I'll keep up with this blog, though, it's really good for me :-)