Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's been a while!

It really has been a lonnnnggggg while since I've posted anything!  Life.  That's my reason, just life! LOL!

We are still homeschooling, just the one now, and loving it still.  My daughter was accepted into the honors program next Fall at FGCU!  The hubby had been traveling A LOT for work.  I have been working and doing all of the other domestic responsibilities I'm tied to.  That pretty much sums up the basics.

Of course, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Birthdays etc. happened.  Oh and our 7th year Wedding Anniversary happened too!!

Like I said, just life.  Life happened and I couldn't fit blogging in along with it!

Good news is, I'm back and I've carved time out for blogging ;-)

I definitely have had major changes to my diet and exercise routine.  Namely Paleo!  And Shaun T's T-25 is the next best thing since Paleo bread!!  I'll definitely share more, including my weight loss!

 Ken and I heading out for our anniversary dinner!
 Relaxing at the beach with kids!

Golfing, ok mini-golfing with the kids! LOL!