Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Return

Again... I took a ridiculously long hiatus from blogging.

I know.

However, I am happy to be back!  I have loads to blog about.  I needed the time for "life", but I also wanted my blog to have a point.  I want to write posts that encompass everything from domestication to politics!

Catchup Time

When I started this blog I lived in North Carolina, then moved to beautiful Naples, FL.  At the beginning of the summer we relocated to Murfreesboro, TN.

I really, really enjoyed living in Naples.  I also am enjoying Tennessee.  Nashville always has a lot going on between music and food, you really can't get bored here.

We have have been getting out and exploring the area.  We even went to an African Festival!  I have not been to one of those since I lived in Jersey.

My daughter is now away at college, down in Miami.  So it's just the three us now.  Well, at least until Thanksgiving break anyway.

Oh, and I even changed my hair color!

Well, until next time!