Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oh where to begin... again...

I am not new to blogging at all.  I am new to consistently remembering to post to my blog.  After reading other folks blogs, I see I'm in good company!

I just want to start off with how awesome of a day I'm having.  It's June 21, the first day of summer, officially!  The kids and I took a break from our summer homeschool routine and spent the day just being plain old lazy.  Summer has always been a time to relax and have fun. Since we're fully aware school work is waiting to be done tomorrow, it made today even more fun.  I even decided to start this blog today!  See what happens with a day without schedules. 

As I mentioned, I'm not new to blogging, but this time I plan to make an effort to update at least weekly on the ins and outs of my life.  Be forewarned... I have the propensity to break out into a spontaneous rant, for any reason, at any time.

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