Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back to Homeschool Update

We are in week 2 and all things considered, it's been going well.  I have successfully implemented the classical approach to our homeschool curriculum and I'm quite proud of myself.  I invested months in researching the best approach to learning for each of my two sweeties.  I was nervous and concerned at first that I may have made a mistake or something equally cataclysmic, but the kids have actually expressed to me that they love how we do things now.  My heart swelled at that.

Some changes did occur however.  Rodney isn't going to work on Latin, at least in our current format.  We'll come back to it next month.  Arianna is excelling in our current Latin program.  Neither of the kids have started using Rosetta Stone for Japanese (Ari) and Spanish (Rodney) yet.  Mostly because 300 dollars wasn't an option for foreign language software.  I had some pressing issues (aka bills) that topped the list.  I can happily report that the kids will still use Rosetta Stone, just not until next month.  I am sort of grateful we didn't start it yet.  I think they needed time to get the flow of handling their core courses first.  They're doing a lot more reading than they did last year.  So far no complaints from them, which I'm also grateful for. 

I just have one final thought I wanted to express, and that is my utter gratefulness to be in the position to homeschool my children.  My husband was and sometimes still is worried that the kids education will somehow be short changed because of our decision to opt of public school.  I have found that giving him updates and reminding the kids to keep him in the loop on what they're learning helps a lot with calming his worries.  As time moves on, he has seen the changes we were hoping to make within our children by homeschooling.  They actually want to learn new things and will study on their own to get answers.  Again, I'm grateful and I truly feel this is what is best for our family.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Guess who's a soccer mom now?!

It is official.  My lovely and talented children are both playing soccer.  My sweet Ari's first game was tonight.  The coach yelled out "Good job Arianna!" twice.  This made my heart swell.  Proud mommy moment.  I know she really isn't all that interested in soccer, she prefers volleyball.  However she gave it her all tonight and I'm just so proud of her.

Tomorrow I get to witness my boy have a go of it in his first game.  I'll be just as excited to watch him.  I think I'll finally get around to adding pictures to this blog, starting with tomorrow's game!

I'll take that soccer mom title for now.  Well, until next spring when Ari plays volleyball and Rodney goes out for football.  Then I'll just be plain old mom.