Friday, January 27, 2012

Too lazy to think of a real title

I think I've lasted for two weeks with my Zumba for Wii.  It's an excellent workout for me.  There's just one problem.  I. Am. Lazy.

I know the 10 pounds (or more) won't just dance themselves off my body.  I did start walking.  Does it count that it was only one day, for 25 minutes?  Hope not, because I'm still feeling the effects of that walk!  Jokes, just jokes.  I know I'll get over my case of the lazy bones soon enough. 

In other news, I signed up to Google+.  I can't tell if I'm the better for it yet.  I like the idea of using it with homeschooling, but I'm not sure how I'd do that.  I'll keep researching and looking out on boards/forums to see how everyone else is doing it.

Seriously, I don't even have a real update to post.  Geez I can't wait to get out of this lazy funk.

Friday, January 6, 2012

So much for consistency!

It's been months since I've posted.  Holidays have come and gone.  We're starting the last half of the school semester.  Oh, and we have officially lived in NC for 1 full year!

Reflection time... 

I can not help to feel so grateful and happy about all that has changed in 2011 for my family.  Yeah, the obvious the hubby maintained stable employment.  Trust, we're ALL grateful for this.  Also, the little milestones are just as worthy.  For instance, Ari learned to drive and got her learner's permit!  Rodney became a soccer star!  My sweetie pie husband made HUGE leaps in his work/family balance!  Of course, last but not least, I figured out a way to be a non-traditional, traditional, secular, spiritual, stay-at-home wife, homeschooler, writer, blogger, scraper (scrapbooker), Star Wars Old Republic gamer, vegetarian, bff, and all while being unapologetically Mika!