Friday, January 27, 2012

Too lazy to think of a real title

I think I've lasted for two weeks with my Zumba for Wii.  It's an excellent workout for me.  There's just one problem.  I. Am. Lazy.

I know the 10 pounds (or more) won't just dance themselves off my body.  I did start walking.  Does it count that it was only one day, for 25 minutes?  Hope not, because I'm still feeling the effects of that walk!  Jokes, just jokes.  I know I'll get over my case of the lazy bones soon enough. 

In other news, I signed up to Google+.  I can't tell if I'm the better for it yet.  I like the idea of using it with homeschooling, but I'm not sure how I'd do that.  I'll keep researching and looking out on boards/forums to see how everyone else is doing it.

Seriously, I don't even have a real update to post.  Geez I can't wait to get out of this lazy funk.

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