Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It can't always be good.

As much as I prefer to only know about the good things coming my way, I realize I HAVE to accept everything in my future won't be peachy sweet.

I have mentioned before that I have been working, and growing, my skills with divination.  So I asked a question.  It was a very important question.  I got answers.  I didn't want to accept the first answer so I tried again, then again and two more times after that.  I got the same answers, each time with a little more information, however the same results.  I sat perplexed for a moment.  So, I asked a question of how to gain a more positive result.  I didn't love this answer either by the way.

I have come to realize we all have the power to make whatever future we want, for the most part.  I also realize that sometimes conflict is necessary.  I sort of have felt that I could use a break from conflict and strife, having had so much of it over the years.  However, there are more lessons to be learned and even more obstacles yet to overcome.  The best I can do is keep a positive outlook, hope for the best, and learn my lessons.

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