Friday, March 29, 2013

Lists and Labels

As promised, I've begun to get my moving list in order.  Along the way I found these cute labels from Martha Stewart.  I also found Microsoft Excel has a moving checklist template that I can customize.  Getting even more excited!!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

Well, I'm glad to know that our move to Florida is on track.  I'm excited!  No, I'm relieved.  I am really looking forward to more sunshine, warm weather and oh the humidity.  I don't mind the humidity too much, just makes my hair curlier!

Along with relocating comes the practicalities of organizing, packing, moving; followed by unpacking, organizing and rearranging.  Not all fun, but I don't mind as long as I have a plan.  I need to take inventory of electronics/computers etc.  You know, serial numbers and what not for insurance purposes.  Then I need to start getting rid of some stuff.  This is my least favorite activity because truthfully, I want to keep ALL of my things!!!  Can we say HOARDER?!  Ok, maybe I'm not that bad.  I don't love the process of sorting through clothes, shoes or old knick-knacks and deciding what to get rid of though.  It's so blah.

To make my inner organizer happy, I plan to start compiling a worksheet that includes when to pack what and other moving essentials.  I know I can find something online and I'll just tailor it to our family.  I'll share just as soon as I pull it all together.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Funny" things kids say.

This morning I was bringing up my browser and one of the headlines from my homepage caught my attention.    Apparently, the miniseries now playing, called "The Bible" cast a character to play Satan who some suggest looks like our President.  Now, I immediately giggled and read it out loud to my kids.  My son, who has always had sarcasm racing through his veins with a dash wit says "I thought Obama was the anti-Christ."

Here's the link:

We watch news programs and read reputable news stories often around here, so no surprise to me when my son made this joke.  However, the fact that he has heard it so often to readily put it in joke is interesting indeed.

On to the girl!  So earlier we're sitting down having tea/coffee this morning and the Stuebenville, OH rape case was further reported on CNN.  My daughter is so pissed, for lack of a better word, over the coverage as it relates to the victim.  My son asked my daughter why is she getting so upset.  My daughter had the look of someone who may literally produce steam out of their ears.  I took a step back to watch how these two would carry on this conversation.

My daughter, in her best controlled voice, attempted to explain the seriousness of rape and the impact on the victim.  She further went on to explain to my son how wrong it is that someone (a reporter) asked the victim if she has extended forgiveness to her attackers is insensitive.

My son's response was to tell his sister to calm down.  Then he finished his breakfast and left the room.  My daughter let me know how it bothered her that her brother would question why she is so upset about this.  I immediately remembered being 16 years old and having such strong convictions against racism, sexism etc.  I explained to my lovely girl that her brother is 13 years old and from his stance, the boys who raped the girl are being punished (rightfully so).  Case closed.  He feels sorry for the victim of the rape, but he has no frame of reference to begin to view this crime from my teenage daughter's eyes.  My daughter got what I was saying.

I think these types of conversations are great.  It encourages balance.  Because of my daughter's response, my son may begin to view situations like this with a broader view in the future.  Because of my son's response, my daughter may remember not everyone shares her views so strongly.  My kids are both against attacking an unconscious young woman.  There mom and dad are too, by the way.  I am sorry that this happened to this young woman and my heart goes out to her and her family.  However, I am grateful for the dialogue that has occurred because of this crime.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm writing. Again.

Wow, I haven't posted anything since September?  I mean I was aware I wasn't blogging, but wow, September?  Really?

There has been loads of good things and not-so-great things that have transpired.

We're about to take a much deserved spring break and then wrap up the school "year" by May.  Currently Ari is studying for SAT's and Rodney is giving Algebra 1 the business.  The kids are finishing up other subjects and are ready to move on to something else (just after that well deserved break I just mentioned).

I am back to being a full time wife, mom and teacher.  It became painfully obvious the kids needed my full attention during the day when it comes to their schoolwork.  Also, I didn't realize to the extent of how much I do around here!  Taking 25 hours of productive time really screwed some things up.

The really, really exciting change is that I'm hoping  we can relocate back to Florida in the near future.  I have nothing against NC, it's just that I am a Florida girl at heart.  Hopefully we'll know sooner, than later when we can embark on yet another journey to a new community.

I have grown substantially with regards to divination and previously unknown gifts.  I'm not overly into labels, actually, I sort of despise being labeled in general.  I just know I can now "hear" spirits.  I receive relevant and sometimes startling real, messages in my dreams.  I use tarot cards and have discovered my talent of interpretation of the messages I receive.  I have basically allowed my intuition to flourish.  I trust it completely.  I trust my guides completely.  I have allowed this "otherness" to integrate within and around me so that there's now a completeness that I've never felt.  I know my mind.  I know my heart.  I know who I am.

I have definitely experienced some challenges over this non-blogging time period.  I have been actively and intentionally allowing myself to feel what I'm feeling and attempt to stay true to myself while going through whatever the challenge was at that time.  This is hard work because it is very easy to block out all of the hard earned progress of learning to handle challenges life can through your way when the crap really hits the fan.  Fear can be a b**ch!  I'm grateful I am "awake" and "present" enough to even feel, good or bad.  Although I'd be lying if I didn't say I want more of the good!

I promise not to wait so long between posts.  I enjoy blogging, but with any and everything, sometimes a girl just needs a break!