Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Has Sprung

Well, I'm glad to know that our move to Florida is on track.  I'm excited!  No, I'm relieved.  I am really looking forward to more sunshine, warm weather and oh the humidity.  I don't mind the humidity too much, just makes my hair curlier!

Along with relocating comes the practicalities of organizing, packing, moving; followed by unpacking, organizing and rearranging.  Not all fun, but I don't mind as long as I have a plan.  I need to take inventory of electronics/computers etc.  You know, serial numbers and what not for insurance purposes.  Then I need to start getting rid of some stuff.  This is my least favorite activity because truthfully, I want to keep ALL of my things!!!  Can we say HOARDER?!  Ok, maybe I'm not that bad.  I don't love the process of sorting through clothes, shoes or old knick-knacks and deciding what to get rid of though.  It's so blah.

To make my inner organizer happy, I plan to start compiling a worksheet that includes when to pack what and other moving essentials.  I know I can find something online and I'll just tailor it to our family.  I'll share just as soon as I pull it all together.

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