Sunday, April 28, 2013

We're Here

No pictures to share just yet, but we're loving our new place.  The weather has been great this past week and I can't get enough of the palm trees making a "whish" sound when a breeze blows through.

I have relaxed ALOT since getting everything unpacked, and yes, everything is unpacked.  I am so fortunate to live here.  It really feels like paradise.

The kids start back up with their school work this Monday after having a full month off for Spring break.  I'm happy to get some routine back into our schedule.  I already have their lesson plans ready to go.  I'm actually already thinking about the next school year!  I know for my son, we'll stay with Teaching Textbooks series and I will align more closely with the "Well Trained Mind" Classical approach when it comes to science for eighth grade.  For instance, I plan to purchase a physics kit that we'll use for the year.  Of course, we'll use other resources like encyclopedias, bio's, etc. along the way.

I will post picture soon!  Believe it or not we haven't had time to make it to the pool or the beach yet!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ever so careful with my wishes...

It's a done deal now.  We're on our way to Florida.  Naples, Florida to be exact.  I'm so excited and scared and worried and hopeful and nervous and positive all at the same time.  How, you ask?  That's pretty much how I am internally on any given day.  Yeah, I'm kinda deep.  Or a little touched but who knows for sure?

Back to Naples... Hubby starts working there in a week and a half.  Lease is signed on a new place and we pretty much stayed within our budget.

Oh now about the beaches!!!  We will be only 20 minutes (15 if hubby drives) to the beach!  The community we're moving to has a pool that looks awesome.  Oh and it's a gated community.  So fancy, right?  Not!  Almost every community in Naples is gated, which allows me to believe I'm living the life of the rich and famous.  :-)

This picture is of Vanderbilt Beach in Naples.  I'll be 20 minutes from this!  

The best news ever is that I will NOT be packing or unpacking.  The moving company is doing all of it.  This is a big deal and I'm ever so grateful.  

I really wanted to live in Florida nine years ago.  I got the chance in 2005, then again in 2007 and once again in 2010.  Each time I moved back to Jacksonville, where we made friends that became family.  Not to mention my actual sister who's still in JAX.  I wished for Florida while sitting outside having lunch with an ex in February 2004.  I didn't even wish for him to come with me.  Now that was some serious intuition by the way!  I wanted something beyond New Jersey and I believe Florida is that something beyond.  Corny, yes.  Not everyone loves the state, but my roots run deep there.  Actually from Georgia to Florida.  I feel compelled to live there.  I know my kids may move on but it's really where I want to be.  I am ever so happy my husband feels the same way I do.  

I can't wait to update this blog with our new adventures in Naples!