Sunday, April 28, 2013

We're Here

No pictures to share just yet, but we're loving our new place.  The weather has been great this past week and I can't get enough of the palm trees making a "whish" sound when a breeze blows through.

I have relaxed ALOT since getting everything unpacked, and yes, everything is unpacked.  I am so fortunate to live here.  It really feels like paradise.

The kids start back up with their school work this Monday after having a full month off for Spring break.  I'm happy to get some routine back into our schedule.  I already have their lesson plans ready to go.  I'm actually already thinking about the next school year!  I know for my son, we'll stay with Teaching Textbooks series and I will align more closely with the "Well Trained Mind" Classical approach when it comes to science for eighth grade.  For instance, I plan to purchase a physics kit that we'll use for the year.  Of course, we'll use other resources like encyclopedias, bio's, etc. along the way.

I will post picture soon!  Believe it or not we haven't had time to make it to the pool or the beach yet!!!

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