Monday, May 27, 2013

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend has been a wonderfully relaxing time for my family and I.  We definitely did the beach thing, and today is BBQ.

I have been purposefully trying to avoid watching anything other than local news, because lately CNN has me completely bummed.  I can not withstand so much negativity, on a 24-hour basis.  It's ridiculous really when you think about it.  Negativity, which is scandal, crime, and yes sometimes the handling of the coverage of national disasters too.  It's all just too much for me lately.  I'm aware of the balance in life, light and dark, positive and negative etc.  One doesn't exist without the other.  I just wish our news organizations, like CNN, would apply this more balanced approach on reporting news.

Now, it's off to eat french toast, drink mint tea with honey and be grateful for health, safety and family.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sometimes you just need that validation from test scores.

My very talented daughter Arianna received her SAT scores online today.  I am very proud of her.  Her reading score is a 750!  That's nearly a perfect score.  She did great on her math score, 630, and writing score 560.  She was so worried about math, so it's a really, really good thing her score is what is.  I know we're going to work on her writing so she'll get even her scores next year.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

In a Place of Good

What can I say?  Life's good.

I am finding my way around Naples and my days have developed a nice rhythm.  Sort of like the ocean.  

Mother's Day was relaxing and fun for me because we ended the day at the beach.  Here's a pic I took of my sweet family.

I feel so privileged and grateful to live so close to the beach.  It's literally 15 minutes down the street!

We are definitely back on track with our homeschooling studies.  I have found the main library in Naples to be pretty awesome.  There's a good amount of books that the kids and I need and want to read.  The library also has an outdoor area with crisp white columns, a gently trickling water fountain and bistro style tables and chairs all in a courtyard setting.  Pics to come (it's that nice)!

Here are more pics of our life in Naples, FL.

This pic is hubby and I on a beautiful date night at The Real Seafood Restaurant here in Naples FL.

Ari doing her final dissection for Advanced Biology.  It's a fetal pig in that plastic bag!

Ari and Rodney posing behind a display at the local movie theater where we saw Iron Man 3, which was friggin' great by the way!!!