Monday, October 28, 2013

Paleo Time!!!

I just had my first bite of meat (land animal) in four years.  Here's a picture of my dinner tonight:

Roasted carrots with a hint of cinnamon, Himalayan Sea Salt & Maple Syrup (100% Pure).  Red Swiss Chard sauteed in garlic oil and 1/4 cup of organic vegetable stock with a hint of Himalayan Sea Salt.  Organic roasted chicken breast seasoned with sage and rosemary, smothered with white onions, all cooked in organic chicken stock.

Did I enjoy it?  Yes!!!  

It was delicious.  I ate very, very slow.  Chewing my chicken especially more thorough.  Guess I'm not a vegetarian anymore...LOL!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Life with more changes

I mentioned in my previous post about my meal planning.  Well me being me, open for change and all, decided to look more into the Paleolithic diet, you know the "caveman diet".  Basically, I may be about to go back to eating meat, but grass fed, organic free range variety.

This past week I have used the family as guinea pigs trying out some Paleo recipes.  My husband has been about 95% all this week strictly Paleo.  The kids have been more like 60%.  Mostly because it's sort of expensive and more importantly it is truly all new to me.  My planning was off.  I keep buying more fresh veggies and fruits.  So far I've been at least twice to the market replenishing our produce supplies!  First world problem, eh?

I know it's been more than a minute since I've posted anything here, which goes into my post's title.  Change!  I've been working again.  I'm working for an awesome company and the perks are sort of even better than how awesome the job has been.  However, I've had to work full time, and now I'm finally working my part time hours.  Good for me and good for my family!

I'm still homeschooling my son, who after three weeks of me working full time fell a little behind in some of his assignments.  Momma's focus is back, so that's already been addressed.

My daughter is killing it at FGCU!  Nuff said about that.

The hubby is putting up with the new diet and after a week, I see a slight difference in his waistline, so HOORAY for that!

Now for more changes.  Looks like the hubby may be getting back on the road for work.  I know we'll stay in Naples while Arianna is attending FGCU for the first year, which is until next May.  After May, she'll be either continuing at FGCU, but in a dorm otherwise she'll be away at one of the colleges she's applying to.  Changes!

How do I feel about being a sometimes full time, sometimes part time stay at home mom, working from home sometimes part time and sometimes full time, and homeschooling, and being a decent wife?  Excited.  Scared.  Overwhelmed most times.  But I have been meditating and working on my craft, which leads me to more good changes!

So, this last full moon in October, Friday to be exact was life changing for me.  I was out and about with the hubby Friday night.  I very much felt the power of the moon.  And I'm not talking metaphorically!  I mean I literally felt the power.  Electricity coursed through me.  I felt almost drunk on it!  But unlike feeling tipsy or drunk, I was aware and cognizant.  I made good use of the energy Friday night.  I can't wait to see the changes that will come from my working!!!

I always felt a special affinity to the fall months.  Probably because of school, I always felt this time of year represents major change.