Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Loving Laundry Detergent, maybe a little too much

I know I said I'd be much more consistent with this blog, but honestly, I don't know how other bloggers do it.  I sometimes feel I don't really have anything particularly interesting to blog about.  I also do not post status updates on Facebook religiously either.  I'm working through my issues, what can I tell ya'.

The one thing I consistently do is laundry.  I have two laundry days a week, sometimes even three.  I know others dread the chore of laundry, but I love it.  I mean really, really love the scent of clean clothes, towels, sheets, etc.  I also can't get enough of Gain's Lavender scented detergent, especially the powder.  One might ask, what's the big deal?  Well, apparently after watching yet another reality show, this time about strange addictions, loving the smell of the detergent can lead to EATING the detergent.  Granted, I am pretty sure I can control myself, I had a moment of weirdness.  I always take a sniff of the detergent before I pour it in the washing machine compartment.  Well, I hadn't realized how close I had the powder detergent to my nose and actually snorted the stuff!  Boy did that burn and boy did I feel ridiculous.  I was able to deduce, once the burning finally stopped, that I can just love the smell and most likely not develop some weird addiction to eating the stuff. 

Now, on to other matters.  I look forward to "back to school" next week.  I realize, much more than my kids.  What can I say, I get excited!  Along with starting our homeschooling schedule again, I do feel some apprehension.  I sometimes feel doubtful and worried about doing too much or too little for my kids.  I think most parents do.  However, homeschooling can add a new set of worries and self doubt.  Especially when you feel defensive to certain family members.  I realize I don't have to prove anything, but that part of me that wants acceptance sometimes feels the need to over explain, which isn't helpful when someone has their mind made up that you're making a huge mistake.  Again, what are you gonna do, right?

I worried a little about getting all the books and supplies we'll need this school year.  Funny, when I just put the doubt, worry and overall negative thinking away, I realized I purchased almost all of the items on each of the kid's list and even got them signed up for soccer.  This will be the first time my kids were signed up to play a team sport not associated with any public school.  I'm grateful I could accomplish this (makes earning PE credits just that much easier).

I think I'll keep making an effort to blog consistently, smelling my laundry detergent and homeschooling my kids.  I realize each of the aforementioned items are not for everyone, but they work for me.

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