Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Old Haunts and New Developments

Today I heard from a good friend Ken and I met while living in Georgia (the last stint).  It was good catching up and I immediately realized I don't have a good reason why I have not been calling this wonderful person all along. 

Since we're still fairly new to North Carolina, I'm still trying to forge friendships out of loosely formed patches of conversation with people I see maybe once a month.  I definitely don't want to be pushy and force myself on people, and I assume others are thinking the same thing.  However at some point someone has to step up and push casual talks to some semblance of a friendship.  I know that someone can be me, but I think I'm just plain old lazy.  I have my best girlfriends spread out over the eastern seaboard and I feel that's enough.  I get lonely for girl talk (in person), however it's not enough to fuel me to really make a real connection with some of the women I've met here.

I'm thinking I need to work on this.  There's another side (maybe the lazy one) that says I don't have anything to work on because I'm content with things. 

On another note, it is hard to believe Fall is approaching.  My most favorite season.  It's a time for new beginnings, at least that's how I've always experienced this time of year. 

My hubby and I have put out the intent that we may want to purchase the home we are leasing or another one in the community.  In typical fashion, we got back what we put out.  Our landlords asked if we would be interested in buying or some other arrangement.  I'm quite excited.  We still need to fully discuss things of course.  One main point is whether we see ourselves actually buying this particular home.  We sort of rushed into leasing it and I feel like we would enjoy something larger.

I haven't started the kids with any review this week.  I decided we would stick with my original plan and start everything the day after labor day.  Below are the kid's classes and the main spine they'll use for each subject:

10th Grade:
A Rulebook for Arguments and 
Saxon Algebra 2
The History of the Ancient World From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome, Great Books list
Analytical Grammar and Classical Roots Vocabulary D
Apologia Chemistry and Lab
Rosetta Stone 
The Annotated Mona Lisa
 The Classical Music Experience:  Discover the Music of the World's Greatest Composers

 6th Grade:
Critical Thinking, Book 1 and 2
Saxon Math 7/6
The Story of World
Spectrum Spelling Workbook, Analytical Grammar, Writing Strands Level 3
Earth Science and Astronomy using Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia and other resources/media with plenty of labs
Rosetta Stone 
Ancient Egyptian Art, 2d ed. (Art in History)
The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

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