Saturday, April 7, 2012

I got my swagger back!

Yes, it's been a while, but such is life.  Things happen.  The family and I are doing well.  We just got caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of being a family with commitments, schooling, holidays etc.  But I'm back to blogging and that's all that matters.

I decided to get out of my boring trial run of and actually devote more energy into my post.  Also, I plan to start another blog to discuss all things homeschool.  This way I can focus on Not So Conventional Tales of Domestic Goddess being about all thing domestic and goddessy (yeah corny).

I am going to upload some pictures of the wonderful dishes I've been turning out to my family.  Lately my husband has been sliming down considerably due to the South Beach diet (low carb).  He has made it to Phase 3 and lost about 15 pounds in 5 weeks!  I am so proud, but he couldn't have done it without me.  This is not me tooting my own horn, it's just that he really needed my support to help with grocery shopping, food prep and deciding on healthy snacks.  He even started walking to help get some of the weight off faster!

The kids are wrapping up the school year.  Some subjects may be extended until June/July.  Oh, and I think we're schooling year round!  This will be a challenge I'm sure because I would like a long break, but I know my son would really benefit from it.  So, momma's got to do what momma's got to do.

I have been watching my mentor, "in my head", Oprah on Lifeclass.  Boy oh boy am I grateful for her doing this type of show.  I am learning so much and feeling the better for it.  I especially enjoyed Iyanla and Oprah both working together.  Iyanla shoots straight from the hip and Oprah keeps a nice balance.

I also have a little obsession going on with the Long Island Medium.  I want to be skeptic, really I do.  But she walks up to total strangers and gives specifics about their dead loved ones!  Love it!

Outside of the countless hours of tv watching I read, cook, converse with good friends and inspire to be more Coco-like for my man.  Again with the tv, I know, but seriously how can one not get caught up in Ice Loves Coco.  She and Ice really seem to have the formula for a good relationship.  At least while the cameras are rolling...LOL!

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