Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Blue Moon

How could I have forgotten to mention.  It's a Blue Moon tonight.

And We're Off and Running...

I've taken a serious backseat to posting here because I've been in full back to school mode.  Plus I've been training for my new part time at-home job so I've been extra busy.

Well here's what I've been up to:

  • Still canning peppers and tomatoes!
  • Reading everything from Arabian Nights to Silver Ravenwolf's "Hedge Witch" with a bit "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" for extra fun.
  • Knee-deep in middle school Chemistry and advanced Biology and Anatomy.  Oodles of fun, I tell ya!
  • Finally bought a second car - yes we were a one-car family.  Ironically I haven't really gone anywhere except Aldi's, Harris Teeter and the library.
  • Still exploring Charlotte more and more (on the weekend mostly with the hubby)
  • Magic Mike - yeah, I had to.
  • Sadly, no writing.  I'm so disappointed with myself.
  • Making friends, or more like dating potential friends.
  • Readying up for football!
  • Growing little by little with divination.

I'm sure I've done other interesting things, but clearly they escape me.  Or they're just too OUT THERE to post in this blog! hahaha

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mommy's Study!

I came to the realization some time ago I need a space just for me.  I know not everyone has the room in their house to even consider designating a personal study/office/etc.  I am very lucky we're not a formal dining type of family.  Basically I have taken over what was designed to be the house's formal dining room.

When we first moved in it was a very bright yellow.  I'll spare you the before pictures.  I also can't find any pictures before I painted, so there's that too.  ;-)  However, I decided to use the same color I had recently used for painting my son's room.  It's Valspar's Green Pastures and it's so calming.

I plan to get new comfy chairs, shelving and a console table.  This is just some extra furniture we've had for a few years now.  Those chairs are so NOT for curling up with a book.  I'm working on being more patient, so I'll survive using them for now.  I've been online checking for inspiration.  I get most of my decorating fix from blogs and of course Pinterest.   However, yesterday the Holy Book was delivered to me.  Oh yes, the 2013 Ikea catalog!!! Just what I needed.  I. Am. So. Psyched.

I'm hoping by Christmas I'll have this room pretty much done.  I plan to paint the hall and staircase too.  That's going to be a challenge because I have some issues with height.  Oh well, should be something fun to write about later, right? ;-)