Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Curriculum Planning Time

It's that time of year again.  Curriculum planning time!

It is truly one of my favorite things about homeschooling.  I love the planning portion.  So, without further ado, here's what we're planning for the 2013/2014 semester for Rodney, my rising eighth grader.

I started by printing my Curriculum Planner worksheet.  I like writing things down, in pencil, to get some of the curriculum choices fleshed out.

After I list the details on the Curriculum Planner, I begin to build lesson plans, which is where I am with my planning currently.  I am working on creating lesson plans for Physical Science.  The resources I'm using are ck-12.org's Middle School Physical Science, experiments from Real Science 4 Kids Physics, library books and encyclopedias.  Since we follow a classical homeschool philosophy I'll tie in biographies for various individuals that fit, to some degree, the time frame in  history we're studying and who have made significant contributions to any and all things in the physical science world.  I'm really excited about Rodney's experiments.  He's hands-on with most things, so I know he'll find this part of science enjoyable.  Once the experiments are completed, that's when I've planned the writing portion.  Summaries, reports and biographies will be a half of Physics this year.  Oh, and of course lab reports.

I am thinking of changing things with math this year.  I am still on the fence about continuing with Teaching Textbooks, this time Geometry.  I appreciate the built in "tutor" aspect of TT, however, I question how well Rodney would do on some of the problems if I gave him a Saxon math text book.  I have Barron's E-Z Geometry and Khan Academy as a "tutor" so it is possible to avoid spending $184 for TT Geometry.  Yes, money is another factor.  It's really pricey, so I'm hoping I can trade my TT Algebra I with someone for TT Geometry, all version 2.  I've been checking out vegsource.com, so I'll see.  Right now, I still have some time to waver.

Next up is history.  I feel I'm pretty covered for the most part.  For the last two years I relied heavily on the lesson plans I got for free from classicalhouseoflearning.com. However, for the age/point in history we're at this year, the author is doing something different and so far has only posted 5 lessons.  I think I will take a more literal approach toward history using the book The Well Trained Mind.  Basically, I will need to review the book lists mentioned and assign the appropriate titles to wherever we are timeline wise in the Story of The World v.3 book.  It's more planning on my end, but I think I'll manage.  I can always get help at the library.

Literature and history are combined, however, writing will be done differently this year.  I've had Rodney using Writing Strands since we began homeschooling.  I feel Writing With Skill may be more meaty.  I think Writing Strands is great, however I'm concerned at the pace.  I need more focused, compact writing skills taught so come 10th or 11th grade, my son is ready for PSAT, SAT, ACT etc. writing portion.

Rosetta Stone, Spanish, will be completed this year.

Art history and music for half the year.  This is where field trips will come in handy and give us a break, while being educational.  I plan for us to visit art museums within the area.

Physical education requirements will be satisfied with soccer this fall.

I'm thinking about purchasing the Art of Argument.  I've been thinking about this curriculum for two years, but maybe this year I'll do more than think.  Last year I bought a workbook from the Critical Thinking series and Rodney and I both found the whole book confusing as heck.  And yes I had the teacher's manual.  I abandoned it within the first quarter.  We used brain teasers and free worksheets online.  Believe me, that was enough some mornings!

Electives.  I like to spend the first half of the school year on the subjects mentioned above, and the second half we then incorporate elective subjects.  I find its a welcome break from the rigorous study and it becomes something to look forward to.  I know I'll throw in a middle school level health course.  Outside of that, I will listen to Rodney on what he would like to study as an elective.

Wow, I have a lot of lesson planning to do.  Did I mention I plan on working part time again, from home.  I will definitely have a full plate, however, I would not have things any other way.

Oops, one more thing... Geography.  I plan to tie in with history, however we'll be using MapTrek, however more often than we did last year.

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