Tuesday, July 19, 2011

No good deed goes unpunished.

I pride myself on being a good person (wife, mom, friend, family member etc.).  I thought I should start there before I go straight to ranting... smile. 

I thought I would help out my sweetie pie hubby and drop off lunch at work to him, per his request.  After my darling got back to his desk he called me to let me know he wasn't please with his lunch selection.  I was asked to stop at a particular store, not get a particular item.  This is really a blip on the timeline of my life, but it obviously bothers me enough to blog about, which further got me to thinking about truly letting go of the little frustrations that occur through our day. 

It's obvious I'm not a master of the technique of not sweating the small stuff.  I am admittedly an ongoing student.  I wonder how many opportunities or chances we miss when we're giving a lot of emotion and thought to life's little annoyances.  I know I have labored over the most trivial things and realized how much time I wasted instead of reading a good book, really listening in a conversation with a friend over the phone or paying better attention while driving.

Guess I won't be graduating from student to master today.  That old saying comes to mind though..."when you know, you do better". 

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