Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Cleaning... Finally!

It's been spring for a couple of weeks now and I have been finally tackling spring cleaning.  Believe it or not, I don't think I mentally accepted I live in my home.  Although it's been over a year, I didn't completely unpack all of my decorative items, including some artwork and candle holders etc.

Well I've started rummaging through boxes and bags and found some goodies.  It's like going shopping for free!  Yeah, I'm that excited.

I'll post pictures soon enough.  This is becoming a bit of a project that requires quite a bit of thought on placement.  Mostly because the items I purchased was for a totally different style of house in another state and with a totally different theme.   However, I won't be deterred!

This is probably a really great time to start sorting and removing things because I think we'll have a garage sale later this month.  Of course, I'll post more on that too!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Very Meaty Saturday Dinner

With times being tough around here.  Well, I guess times are tough for alot of folks.  We don't eat out as much.  I thought today would be a good day for Chinese.  Beef and broccoli to be exact.

I had some toasted sesame leftover from another Chinese dinner I attepted, Honey & Sesame Chicken.  That's a family favorite.  I don't make it often because of Ken's diet.  See, I said before he REALLY couldn't have done this whole losing 15 pounds without me!

Beef and broccoli, that's what I'm here to talk about.

Okay, so I heated my trusty big frying pan.  I didn't feel like using the wok.  The wok is a lot work to clean for my dishwasher. 

Again, back to beef and broccoli...  Okay, so I had vegetable oil heated in my big non-stick frying pan, then I added the toasted sesame seeds, followed by a good amount of chunks of beef.  I don't know how many pounds, I bought the meat from Costco, so I end up dividing it all up in putting in freezer bags.  While the beef is sizzling up a storm, I seasoned it with ground ginger, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, and red pepper flakes (gotta have our spice).  Sizzling continued and what I presumed to be good smells moved about the house.  That's when I  added low sodium soy sauce.  Several dashes to be somewhat exact.  Again with the measuring!

I had already diced the other half of the onion I used from the Meatless Breakfast Scramble, so that was added.  Then I chopped up some green onion from my very own backyard.  Thank you very much.  I'm not saying I'm a domestic goddess for nothing..LOL!

I used the steam-in-the-bag cut up broccoli.  I actually have fresh broccoli in the fridge, but I'm saving that for another scrumptious dish coming soon.

I cooked some brown rice to serve all of the beef and broccoli goodness on top of.  Here's a picture of what it looked like in the pan.

 I'm a vegetarian, but even I know this smelled delicious!

 *** By the way, my dishwasher is my son Rodney.  He doesn't like cleaning our wok.  What sort of domestic goddess would I be if I put my wok in an actual dishwasher? LOL

Meatless Breakfast Scramble & Drop Biscuits

For a while eggs sort of made me a little nauseous, but I scramble them hard and that seems to do the trick.  Now, one might wonder why didn't I just stop eating them.  Laziness, point blank.  I honestly didn't feel like thinking about and then preparing some other alternative for breakfast.  I know I could definitely try tofu.  I can't seem to get it to taste palatable. 

Anywho, I knew Ken and Rodney would be out all day cutting our grass and the neighbors so I decided to give them some carbs to burn!

And without further ado, here's how I made my boys happy this morning.

First, start with chopping about half of a small onion and half of a medium sized green pepper.

 This is just one fairly large red potato cut up.

 I had already preheated my pan with vegetable oil, maybe about 3 tablespoons.  I never measure!

Here are the seasonings I used.  Can you tell Costco and Target are my favorite places to shop!

Just when I thought I had a good thing going, I thought to my self how great it would be to have drop biscuits!  Courtesy of Bisquick!

 After following the box's directions for drop biscuits, here's what I got.

Now back to the scramble!  All I used was three eggs.  My kids aren't big egg eaters, so this works for us.

After cooking the potatoes for about 15 minutes, adding the cut up veggies, and after a bit adding the scrambled eggs.  I topped it off with pepper rings.  We like our food with a little kick around here.

The biscuits took all of ten minutes and they were scrumptious.  We dipped our biscuits in maple syrup. YUMMY!

Here's a picture of the pepper rings.  Although mild, they add a little bite.  My husband still ended up adding hot sauce to his scramble.

I got my swagger back!

Yes, it's been a while, but such is life.  Things happen.  The family and I are doing well.  We just got caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of being a family with commitments, schooling, holidays etc.  But I'm back to blogging and that's all that matters.

I decided to get out of my boring trial run of and actually devote more energy into my post.  Also, I plan to start another blog to discuss all things homeschool.  This way I can focus on Not So Conventional Tales of Domestic Goddess being about all thing domestic and goddessy (yeah corny).

I am going to upload some pictures of the wonderful dishes I've been turning out to my family.  Lately my husband has been sliming down considerably due to the South Beach diet (low carb).  He has made it to Phase 3 and lost about 15 pounds in 5 weeks!  I am so proud, but he couldn't have done it without me.  This is not me tooting my own horn, it's just that he really needed my support to help with grocery shopping, food prep and deciding on healthy snacks.  He even started walking to help get some of the weight off faster!

The kids are wrapping up the school year.  Some subjects may be extended until June/July.  Oh, and I think we're schooling year round!  This will be a challenge I'm sure because I would like a long break, but I know my son would really benefit from it.  So, momma's got to do what momma's got to do.

I have been watching my mentor, "in my head", Oprah on Lifeclass.  Boy oh boy am I grateful for her doing this type of show.  I am learning so much and feeling the better for it.  I especially enjoyed Iyanla and Oprah both working together.  Iyanla shoots straight from the hip and Oprah keeps a nice balance.

I also have a little obsession going on with the Long Island Medium.  I want to be skeptic, really I do.  But she walks up to total strangers and gives specifics about their dead loved ones!  Love it!

Outside of the countless hours of tv watching I read, cook, converse with good friends and inspire to be more Coco-like for my man.  Again with the tv, I know, but seriously how can one not get caught up in Ice Loves Coco.  She and Ice really seem to have the formula for a good relationship.  At least while the cameras are rolling...LOL!