Friday, April 13, 2012

Spring Cleaning... Finally!

It's been spring for a couple of weeks now and I have been finally tackling spring cleaning.  Believe it or not, I don't think I mentally accepted I live in my home.  Although it's been over a year, I didn't completely unpack all of my decorative items, including some artwork and candle holders etc.

Well I've started rummaging through boxes and bags and found some goodies.  It's like going shopping for free!  Yeah, I'm that excited.

I'll post pictures soon enough.  This is becoming a bit of a project that requires quite a bit of thought on placement.  Mostly because the items I purchased was for a totally different style of house in another state and with a totally different theme.   However, I won't be deterred!

This is probably a really great time to start sorting and removing things because I think we'll have a garage sale later this month.  Of course, I'll post more on that too!

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