Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Very Meaty Saturday Dinner

With times being tough around here.  Well, I guess times are tough for alot of folks.  We don't eat out as much.  I thought today would be a good day for Chinese.  Beef and broccoli to be exact.

I had some toasted sesame leftover from another Chinese dinner I attepted, Honey & Sesame Chicken.  That's a family favorite.  I don't make it often because of Ken's diet.  See, I said before he REALLY couldn't have done this whole losing 15 pounds without me!

Beef and broccoli, that's what I'm here to talk about.

Okay, so I heated my trusty big frying pan.  I didn't feel like using the wok.  The wok is a lot work to clean for my dishwasher. 

Again, back to beef and broccoli...  Okay, so I had vegetable oil heated in my big non-stick frying pan, then I added the toasted sesame seeds, followed by a good amount of chunks of beef.  I don't know how many pounds, I bought the meat from Costco, so I end up dividing it all up in putting in freezer bags.  While the beef is sizzling up a storm, I seasoned it with ground ginger, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, and red pepper flakes (gotta have our spice).  Sizzling continued and what I presumed to be good smells moved about the house.  That's when I  added low sodium soy sauce.  Several dashes to be somewhat exact.  Again with the measuring!

I had already diced the other half of the onion I used from the Meatless Breakfast Scramble, so that was added.  Then I chopped up some green onion from my very own backyard.  Thank you very much.  I'm not saying I'm a domestic goddess for nothing..LOL!

I used the steam-in-the-bag cut up broccoli.  I actually have fresh broccoli in the fridge, but I'm saving that for another scrumptious dish coming soon.

I cooked some brown rice to serve all of the beef and broccoli goodness on top of.  Here's a picture of what it looked like in the pan.

 I'm a vegetarian, but even I know this smelled delicious!

 *** By the way, my dishwasher is my son Rodney.  He doesn't like cleaning our wok.  What sort of domestic goddess would I be if I put my wok in an actual dishwasher? LOL

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