Saturday, April 7, 2012

Meatless Breakfast Scramble & Drop Biscuits

For a while eggs sort of made me a little nauseous, but I scramble them hard and that seems to do the trick.  Now, one might wonder why didn't I just stop eating them.  Laziness, point blank.  I honestly didn't feel like thinking about and then preparing some other alternative for breakfast.  I know I could definitely try tofu.  I can't seem to get it to taste palatable. 

Anywho, I knew Ken and Rodney would be out all day cutting our grass and the neighbors so I decided to give them some carbs to burn!

And without further ado, here's how I made my boys happy this morning.

First, start with chopping about half of a small onion and half of a medium sized green pepper.

 This is just one fairly large red potato cut up.

 I had already preheated my pan with vegetable oil, maybe about 3 tablespoons.  I never measure!

Here are the seasonings I used.  Can you tell Costco and Target are my favorite places to shop!

Just when I thought I had a good thing going, I thought to my self how great it would be to have drop biscuits!  Courtesy of Bisquick!

 After following the box's directions for drop biscuits, here's what I got.

Now back to the scramble!  All I used was three eggs.  My kids aren't big egg eaters, so this works for us.

After cooking the potatoes for about 15 minutes, adding the cut up veggies, and after a bit adding the scrambled eggs.  I topped it off with pepper rings.  We like our food with a little kick around here.

The biscuits took all of ten minutes and they were scrumptious.  We dipped our biscuits in maple syrup. YUMMY!

Here's a picture of the pepper rings.  Although mild, they add a little bite.  My husband still ended up adding hot sauce to his scramble.

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