Monday, July 30, 2012

Back to School Next Week

I'm getting excited about starting our homeschooling back up next week.  Since I obsessively plan just about everything anyway, building a curriculum, scheduling and organizing has kept me in a great mood these past few weeks.

I posted our preliminary ideas for my daughter's 11th grade and my son's 7th grade school year, but here's what I've made a final decision about.

Logic:  Critical Thinking Book One - Click for Preview

Math:  Algebra 1 Teaching Textbook Answer Key


Vocabulary:  Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book C (grade 9)Vocabulary from Classical Roots Book D (Grade 10)

Grammar:  Analytical Grammar Workbook Student Book


History:   classicalhouseoflearninglogosmall

Science:  Middle School Chemistry Student TextbookMiddle School Biology Student Textbook

Foreign Language:  Spanish (Latin America)

Art Appreciation:  The Well-Trained Mind   classicalhouseoflearninglogosmall
We'll integrate Art Appreciation using suggestions from The Well Trained Mind and using the Activities provided with Classical House of Learning lesson plans.

P.E./Sports:  Soccer in the Fall and Basketball in the Winter.

Here's the plan for the 11th grade:

Rhetoric:  Writing exercises using the Presidential election.

Precalculus:  Pre-Calculus Teaching Textbook

Vocabulary:  Vocabulary from Classical Roots: Book E


History:  The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First CrusadeThe Well-Trained Mind  The Well-Educated Mind
And hopefully, The History of the Renaissance World  also by Susan W. Bauer
The following list may seem more than ambitious for some, maybe less for others.  One important note is that we're taking more than an average school year to get through the list.  Some of the following may become impossible and therefore get abandoned, while I'll have my daughter skip others if necessary.  The best thing is SHE's excited to read through the following classics!

Augustine, Confessions
Augustine, City of God
The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Dante, The Inferno
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Patience, Pearl
The Canterbury Tales
The Faerie Queen
Don Quixote
Gulliver's Travels
Edmund Burke, "On American Taxation"
The Declaration of Independence
Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist
The Constitution of the United States
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingales" and other poems
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
Edgar Allan Poe, "The Fall of the House of Usher" and other stories
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

Science:     Apologia Human Body Microscope Kit

Also using

MIT OpenCourseWare

Fundamentals of Biology

Foreign Language:  Japanese  Rosetta Stone Japanese Level 2

Sports:  Volleyball

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