Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Spirits & Divination

In my intro on this blog I explain our trailblazing across the south due to job changes.  My hubby has successfully changed jobs again, but this time we've lowered our anchor in NC.  I truly enjoy living here.  I still miss my precious Florida, more so because of friends and family.

Back in February I had a dear friend visit for the weekend.  We met up with other friends, one who has the gift of sight.  She's a Reader, by trade actually.  She's also a really nice host!  We hung out at her home here in Charlotte and she was sweet enough to share some things from Spirit.  I was only too eager to listen!  Her messages reaffirmed I was on the right path and I'm grateful for it.  The message I was given would aid in giving me strength and confidence to face the change that was knowingly to come.  The thing about a message from Spirit is that it can be a little vague.  So technically I knew when change was coming, but I didn't know HOW the change would come.  The big change was the new job for the hubby which would have a domino effect on our family and lifestyle.  Major change would be the correct description.  

This is Emeril's e2 Restaurant in Uptown.  Ken couldn't stop staring into the open kitchen.  He's such a foodie!  Oh and a great cook too!

We have been having a blast exploring the Charlotte area and not breaking the bank to do so! ;-)

I have had to put restrictions on myself because curriculum shopping has never been more fun!  I still have a budget, but it's so much more fun when you're wishlist isn't longer than the one on your shopping cart.  

I think a lot of us have had dreams that someone has passed or someone close to you is pregnant, you know along those lines.  Next day you find out so-and-so is having the experience you dreamed.  Some chalk it up to coincidence and let it go.  The rest of us remember these experiences, share them when appropriate and even document them.  I am one of those people.  I have some fears and hang ups like most folks, but not when it comes to what I like to call "otherness".  Basically where others run away, I leap toward the mysterious, unexplained etc. of life and death.  If, according to many, I should willingly believe that a man born of a virgin would eventually rise from the dead, then why can't it be plausible my ancestors' spirits want to tell me something once in a while.  Just sayin'...LOL!  

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