Monday, July 30, 2012

More Back to Schoool

How could I have forgotten about the supplementary workbooks, etc!  Silly me :-)

Within each of my kid's history curriculum I'm weaving in Knowledge Quest.  I've also picked up a workbook to help my son with the periodic table for Chemistry.  I mentioned, but I should have also mentioned the spelling lists are free along with the games, practice activities and tests!

This year both students will spend a bulk of the their study time on Science.  This is purposefully done on my part.  My daughter would like to become a doctor and my son has a natural interest in science, especially experiments.  But then again, don't most children want to explore and do experiments anyway?

We'll use our library and continue to use and our Nook's to fill in the rest of blanks.

Did I mention how excited I am for us to get started?  Ari says she is looking forward to the routine of it all again and Rodney would prefer to sleep half the day, eat, play and watch TV indefinitely.  Rodney's preferences fuel my entire approach to homeschooling practically year round by the way.

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