Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My love of all things Pinterest

I'm slow with the latest and greatest fads at times.  Pinterest is yet another example.  In the last month I joined Pinterest and actively begin falling in love.  I have boards set up and I even have followers!

Pinterest gets my creative juices flowing.  It inspired me to finally paint my son's bedroom.  It's also helping me to design my study in what's currently our formal dining room, which is used as a catch-all sitting room/parlor.

I wrote a post about my laundry detergent obsession, so of course I created a board reflecting my love of all things laundry.  This has also inspired me to organize and pretty much re-do our laundry closet.  I had a laundry room before, but in this home we got a closet.  I want to make it more functional with better organization and of course prettier.

I included a board on Goddess worship because it's an interest of mine.  I enjoy studying history, especially ancient history.  I have been reading wonderful works on Goddess worship in ancient times.  There is still so much to know and I'm enjoying the research!

I am so grateful to finding Pinterest, although late apparently.  I'm a creative person, even though I didn't always think so.  I need stimuli to fuel my creativity.  HGTV can't do it all I'm sad to admit.

This literally SPEAKS to me!   :- )

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